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Improving Employee Engagement Through Recognition Programs


Employee engagement is critical for organizational success, yet many companies unfortunately fail to prioritize culture and recognition initiatives. As a result, they struggle deeply to motivate, retain, and engage top talent over time. However, implementing an effective, data-driven employee recognition program can be a powerful way to boost engagement, productivity, loyalty, and performance.

This article explores various best practices for building a thriving culture centered around employee recognition and appreciation.

The Importance of Employee Engagement

Engaged employees feel passionate about their work and invested in the organization. According to Gallup, companies with high engagement realize 21% higher productivity and profitability. Engaged teams also see 41% less absenteeism and 59% less turnover. However, Gallup finds that only around one-third of US employees are engaged at work.

Clearly, there is room for improvement. Building an engaging culture requires a multi-faceted approach, but an impactful place to start is with an employee recognition program. Recognition initiatives like Terryberry employee engagement system reinforce behaviors that align with organizational values and objectives. They also fulfill basic human needs for appreciation and belonging.

Ideal Practices for Recognition Programs

For a recognition program to work, it must be more than just an occasional “pat on the back.” There are several best practices to follow:

Frequent and Timely

Recognition should happen frequently to positively reinforce desired actions as they occur. Tying rewards directly to achievements makes them more meaningful than annual or random rewards.

Public and Personalized

Recognize employees publicly amongst their peers as well as privately. Public celebrations facilitate cultural change by setting examples. Private recognition builds personal connections.


Varied and Relevant

Incorporate multiple types of rewards that motivate recipients. Discover employee preferences through surveys and feedback. Consider points, events, awards, gifts, and praise.

Simple and Accessible

Make the recognition process simple for managers and peers through user-friendly technology. Complex programs won’t get used consistently. Automate triggers where possible.


Leverage data to track program ROI, participation, behavior change, and impact on retention and performance. Adjust approaches accordingly. Surveys also provide useful feedback.

Aligned to Values and Goals

Ensure recognized actions ladder up to company values, cultural attributes, and strategic goals. This alignment reinforces priorities organization-wide.

Inclusive and Equitable

All employees should have equal opportunity for recognition. Actively monitor data for biases and gaps. Have a transparent process for managing concerns.

Creating a Culture of Recognition

As the saying goes, “culture eats strategy for breakfast.” An employee recognition program only works if recognition becomes woven into the cultural fabric.

Leaders must role model the desired mindset and actions. For example, leaders might kick off meetings by recognizing peer achievements or share recognitions throughout the day via messaging platforms.


Provide managers with resources, training, and accountability metrics to support the process. Emphasize recognition competencies in hiring and reviews. Ultimately, each employee should be enabled and motivated to recognize others frequently.

Facilitate informal peer recognition by providing accessible digital tools and platforms. Develop programs where employees can nominate peers for rewards.

Weave recognition into existing communications, events, office spaces, and workflows to reinforce its importance. Recognition should become second nature rather than a forced addition to the workplace.

Continuous Improvement

The most successful cultures of recognition continue evolving based on feedback and data. Employ the kaizen mindset: recognize achievements in the recognition program itself. For example, celebrate when a department hits a participation goal.

Keep surveying employees to discover which types of recognition resonate most. Adjust which behaviors get rewarded to align with shifting company priorities and strategies. Maintain an iterative, user-focused approach.

Building a meaningful culture of recognition requires intention, alignment, accessibility, authenticity, and continuous improvement. The payoff is an engaged, loyal workforce prepared to take on any challenge. An employee recognition program can be the cornerstone of a thriving workplace culture when executed thoughtfully. What steps will you take today?