What is now popularly known as video poker began without any connection to video systems or computer technology. Video poker historically evolved from poker machines, which in their original form were purely mechanical systems. Of course, like any other activity in human life, the gambling industry has benefited significantly from the development of technology. This has given rise to today’s versions of video poker, which you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home. In many of these video poker session you have to use certain type of payment. We help you to find more casinos with flykk payments.
From mechanical slot machines to today’s online poker games
To reach today’s situation, where you can enjoy your favorite poker game both in its live version and as video poker in many variations at Sunmaker Casino, the gambling industry has gone through over 100 years of technological development. The first poker machines were based entirely on the theory of probability and chance and completely excluded the element of active player participation. The most important milestones in the development of video poker are:
1891 – The first slot machine-based poker machine
1901 – The first poker machine with card changing “Skill Draw”
1970 – The first video poker machine, Poker-Matic
1994 – The first online video poker game
The fact that video poker is now the second most popular game in online casinos after slot machines definitely has its historical reasons. The first mechanical poker machines were specialized slot machines that displayed playing cards, or more specifically, pictures of playing cards, on their reels instead of cherries, four-leaf clovers and gold bars. Ultimately, today’s video poker games differ considerably from their ancestors in principle and have come as close as possible to the ideas of real table poker.
The first mechanical poker machine without changing cards
The Sittman & Pitt Company in Brooklyn, New York, created the first known purely mechanical poker machine in 1891. The operation of this machine is similar to real poker only in that the player is dealt 5 cards at a time. These cards are selected at random, similar to a slot machine, by spinning 5 reels with images of 10 cards each. The player cannot influence the process and must accept the automatically drawn poker hand. The features of this poker machine are:
There is no option to combine your own hand with community cards, as in table poker;
The player does not need to have any special skills, as the drawing of all cards is completely random.
Poker machines are becoming increasingly popular
Charles Fey, known for his work on slot machines, put together a poker machine called Card Bell in 1898, which again worked on the principle of randomly selecting cards by spinning reels like a slot machine. The machine became popular because the player could be paid up to 20 coins when drawing a royal flush. At the time, this was a good amount of money and attracted public interest in the new invention.
Introduction of rules such as card switching
The same Charles Fey created a machine in 1901 that allowed the player to actively intervene in the game.
Although his invention “Skill Draw” again worked according to the principle of randomly drawing 5 cards, the player now also had a say in the game. It was up to them to decide which cards they wanted to keep or draw again. A special feature of the machine was that it only worked with 50 cards – 10 spades and jack of hearts were missing.
The Era Of Video Games Begins
In 1970, Dale Electronics introduced the first video slot machine called Poker-Matic. It was based on the now popular microprocessors as part of a computer and a video monitor connected to the computer platform as a display. Almost every casino introduced these machines, but the interesting thing was that consumers avoided them. Players had no confidence in something they couldn’t see and hear – the reels of mechanical poker machines were visible and audible, but computer programs were not.
It’s time to mention the name of William Si Redd – the father of modern video poker. As a game distributor for developer Bally Gaming, he offered the company’s bosses his machine, which was now officially called Video Poker. The company proved to be short-sighted enough not to recognize the great potential of the new invention. The Bally Distributing Company therefore decided to play it safe and continue its business with slot machines only.
A wrong decision by a company with such good consequences. In fact, Bally Gaming’s short-sighted decision paved the way for the success of video poker. Si Redd kept the rights to his patent and wasted no time at all – together with the Fortune Coin Company, he founded the company Sircoma. In 1979, a new poker machine called Draw Poker appeared on the market. Success was not long in coming – the company went public and from then on called itself International Game Technology (IGT).
Si Redd’s company continues to shape the face of the gaming market today – it is one of the most important game developers for casinos. By today’s standards, the first modern video poker machines, which began their triumphant advance in 1981, were downright primitive – as was the video technology of the time. Touch screen technology had to emerge to make video poker machines really easy and convenient to operate. New poker slot machines appeared – for example Double Bonus and Deuces Wild. The new gambling industry was taking hold.
From The Players Perspective
The new video poker machines quickly became particularly popular with one category of player – those who were used to having fun with slots, but already wanted to bet on something more than luck. Unlike slot games, where pure chance rules and no special skills and knowledge are required, winning strategies can definitely be applied in video poker. This is where the player’s skills really play a role. By thinking strategically, you can help determine the outcome of the game.
The question arises as to why this group of players has not gone straight to the poker tables in casinos. The answer seems intuitive – live play with rivals bluffing and watching the opponent closely on pokertells definitely scared these players. The popularity of video poker has also been boosted considerably by the proliferation of low-limit stakes as well as the proliferation of new slot machines not only in casinos but also in many public places.